Murs de recettes

Les 5e et 6e années ont eu la chance de combiner deux talents : la cuisine et l’anglais! Leurs recettes ont été affichées sur les murs de l’école.

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Texte d’Heidi Cambron

Heidi Cambron, a grade 6 student in Ms. Chantal’s class, also acted as a journalist in January and interviewed Ms. Andrée-Anne, one of our violin teachers to learn more about our school’s history. She wanted to learn more about the playground activities in those days, 45 years ago. Following the interview, Heidi wrote this text to tell us about their conversation.

Ms. Andrée-Anne told us that she arrived in grade 2 in 1972. Children played ball games, elastic, skipping rope, and hopscotch. The teachers were strict but cool. In her opinion, the students are attached to the school because of the music, sports, and activities. She also added that the playground has changed a lot over the years.

Heidi Cambron